HP's security stance (was Re: UnixWare)

Bennett Todd (bet@std.sbi.com)
Thu, 28 Apr 1994 13:32:08 -0400 (EDT)

Gene Spafford writes:
>1) I have not seen them make any security patch announcements to any
>of the established security-related newsgroups or mailing lists.

I have. For example:

    Newsgroups: comp.security.unix,comp.sys.hp.hpux
    From: bkelley@cup.hp.com (Bob Kelley)
    Message-Id: <Cotx6G.Fns@cup.hp.com>
    Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 19:08:40 GMT

>2) HP does not have a member or liason in FIRST, nor have they had
>any presence at any of the incident response workshops.

Considering CERT's amazing lack of contribution to improving security, I
consider this a sign of HP's good faith. Some folks want to see security
bugs fixed, not lovingly preserved for the amusement of future generations.
